Excerpt from The Deeper Meaning of Liff (Douglas Adams & John Lloyd)
November 28, 2010
Drebley (n.) Name for a shop which is supposed to be witty but is in fact wearisome, e.g., "The Frock Exchange", "Hair Apparent", etc.
Duddo (n.) The most deformed potato in any given collection of potatoes.
Dufton (n.) The last page of a document that you always leave facedown in the photocopier and have to go and retrieve later.
Dunboyne (n.) The realization that the train you have patiently watched pulling out of the station was the one you were meant to be on.
Dungeness (n.) The uneasy feeling that the plastic handles of the overloaded supermarket bag you are carrying are getting steadily longer.
Dunino (n.) Someone who always wants to do whatever you want to do.
Dunolly (n.) An improvised umbrella.