Robin Camille Davis
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How to run a space observation study at your library

August 19, 2024

Some of my most enjoyable user research projects have been focused on specific spaces in the library where I work. They’ve ranged from informal and short-term to highly structured and long-term. Either way, these studies have uncovered fascinating insights!

The goal of a space observation study is to understand how users actually use spaces, which may differ from how the spaces were designed. An observation study may uncover unknown user needs or preferences, as well as how the space can be improved for users.


Sometimes, an observation study may simply involve walking by a given space a few times a week and taking notes with a prescribed template. Other times, the study may involve sitting in the space for longer periods of time, observing users completing tasks.

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I write occasional posts for LibTech Insights, a blog about technology in academic libraries from Choice, an ACRL/ALA publisher.